The Making of a Leader by Dr. J. Robert Clinton was a book I had recently picked up at the recommendation of a friend of mine in the midst of a conversation regarding leadership. Stylistically, this book reminded me a lot of how it felt to read through books by the Barna Group (with the…
Tag: leadership
BOOK REVIEW: The Power of Vision
I have written many posts on the subject of leadership and vision. It seems at this particular point in my life that I am finding myself with more books on the subject of vision more than any time before. I have enjoyed other books on vision like Church Unique and Visioneering – and The Power of Vision: Discover and Apply God’s Vision for…
Reflections from Staff Retreat
This past week we had a day-long staff retreat. It was an incredible time of just continuing to get to know the staff I serve with, but also an extremely inspiring and spiritually energizing day. I thought that I’d share my notes from one of the sessions we had. Session: The Five Greatest Leadership Challenges…
Book Review: The Principal of the Path by Andy Stanley
With all the books that I’ve been reading recently, this one seemingly is the one that sums up the main theme of what I’m re-discovering. I use the word “re-discovering” on purpose. What Andy writes about in this book is simple. It’s so simple that when I tell you, you’ll say, “I already know that!” …
Book RE_review: The Five Dysfunctions of a Team
When I first read this book I was new to organizational leadership. I didn’t realize the true implications of following or not following these principles would be. Three organizations later I understand that the principles found in this book are more than good suggestions for helping foster teamwork. They are rules that must be followed…
Book RE_review: The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership
Why a RE_review? WHAT IS A RE_review? Simply, it’s a chance for me to put in writing my habit of proactively pursuing a life long passion of developing as a leader. Since leaders are learners, and learners are readers, I have made it a practice of mine to always having the bible in one hand…
Book Review: Put Your Dream to the Test by John Maxwell
In John Maxwell’s newest book, Put Your Dream to the Test:10 Questions to help you see is and seize it, John tries to tackle the many questions about having life dreams/aspirations/goals and the path to pursue and hopefully achieve them. I’ll admit, the initial impression of what I thought the premise of this book would…
Book Review: The Feiner Points of Leadership
If there is one book I could say would most practically help every Pastor, both lead and associate, function in a healthy way, this would be it. I’ll be honest and say that if I knew what I have just read in this book before going into the “workforce”, I wouldn’t have had to learn…
Book Review: Good to Great
And so the beginning of my arduous adventure into tackling the plethera of books I received for my birthday. Thanks Mom and Dad Beron. I started with Jim Collin’s book entitles “Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap… and Others Don’t” I’ve seen it on the shelves and hear a lot about it,…
Book Review: The Top Ten Mistakes Leaders Make
Today I “threw down” on a book that was given to me last night by one of the members of our church. He noticed that I was on a Leadership Book kick and tossed me a book that impacted him in the arena of his “secular profession.” I have read MANY leadership books, and I…