“ok” describes my experience with this book. It is a good read – but not great. There are a lot of other great books (here, here, or here) on the topic of “vision” that say what Aubrey Malphurs says in a less antiquated way. Antiquated? Yes…outdated. Old. On the verge of irrelevant. In fact, there…
Category: Leadership
Book Review: Strengths Finder 2.0 by Tom Rath
I must be upfront and honest and say that this isn’t a true book review. For those of you who are familiar with Strengths Finder, it’s less about the book and more about the tool for finding your potential strengths. One of the things I learned by reading the book is that the title is…
Book Review: Church Unique by Will Mancini
I first mentioned Church Unique when I posted about it on my facebook page and have been chomping at the bit to share a review of it. Well, I’ve finally found a day off to share with you some insight. For the most part I really learned a lot from this book. It challenges a…
The most practical book I’ve read…and more
Over the past 7 years, my passion for reading has grown, and I would like to say that a huge part of my personal growth comes from mu commitment to always be a learner. So of all the books that sit on my shelf in my office, I always refer to the following on as…
Book Review: Switch by Chip and Dan Heath
Point #1. You need to buy/read this book The subtitle of Chip and Dan Heath’s book, Switch, is “How to change things when change is hard.” I first heard this book at the willow creek leadership summit I was at last year. And after hearing a keynote address regarding this book, I knew I had…
Someteimes POLICIES just get in the way
Don’t believe me…just watch this guy. [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzE-IMaegzQ] If you are a leader, be careful that the policies you make are not just representations of mistakes you have made in the past. Make sure that they function to actually help and promote the results you actually want. Otherwise, get rid of them. HT: Tom deBruyn
A parable on change
[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.867143&w=425&h=350&fv=m%3D52844712%26type%3Dvideo%26a%3D0] Say Cheeeeese!
A parable on change
[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.867143&w=425&h=350&fv=m%3D52844712%26type%3Dvideo%26a%3D0] Say Cheeeeese!
“Not so Famous” quotes
“You can’t be late and expect to get taco bell!” When I was about 15 years old I got shoved into the position of leading worship for my church’s youth group by (at that time) the “new” youth pastor. I learned a lot of things about ministry and leadership at that time, but one of…
“Not so Famous” quotes
“You can’t be late and expect to get taco bell!” When I was about 15 years old I got shoved into the position of leading worship for my church’s youth group by (at that time) the “new” youth pastor. I learned a lot of things about ministry and leadership at that time, but one of…