Month: July 2011
A Soccer Story: The Beginning
Not many people who have known me over the past ten years may know this, but among the many loves in my life, I have a deep love of the game of soccer. Truth be told, as a short guy whose only physical strength was the ability to run fast and play aggressively, soccer was…
Happy Birthday Brennan
I love you son! Everyday I think about how wonderful these first days were, and look forward to the days I have with you in the future! [youtube]
Book Review: Switch by Chip and Dan Heath
Point #1. You need to buy/read this book The subtitle of Chip and Dan Heath’s book, Switch, is “How to change things when change is hard.” I first heard this book at the willow creek leadership summit I was at last year. And after hearing a keynote address regarding this book, I knew I had…